Ahh, to have the face that only a mother could love. Or the face that only a mother could pluck! Although, much of my Sunday was spent running from place to place, little of it was spent eating. I awoke, ran to church, and gobbled a bagel from Dunkin Donuts with no butter or cream cheese to make it yummy. Just a plain ol' naked bagel. I then helped chaperone a trip to Harlem Lanes with some of the kiddoes from Graffiti. Although the group was small (7 kids) and I ordered two large pizza pies and two orders of chicken fingers, I only managed to get my hands on once small slice of pie and the smallest of chicken fingers in the two baskets. So, needless to say, when I left church at 7:30 pm I was pretty famished. "Kareem" and I decided to head to the dirty jerz to eat dinner with my parents. Two hours later, we finally arrived. My mother, always the amazing cook, decided to just "throw something together" for us and assembled two delicious crusts encased with ground turkey, seasoning, and melted mozzarella cheese. After praising God for such a feast, I began enjoying the salad and empanada-like creation my mother had assembled. But, as I placed a fork full in my mouth I was greeted with a quick surge of pain that was intensely focused over my right eye.
If God allows me to become an old man, I am pretty sure I will be one of those grandpas with eyebrows that could use their own gardener. They are bushy and unwielding now, so they can only get worse when old age settles in. Apparently one of these hairs was out of place and my mother thought it had fallen off and was resting on my face, ready at any moment to fall onto the dinner table. But, in fact, it was still very much attached to my face and when she pulled on it, my whole head moved forward. I felt like one of the three stooges being poked and prodded. Suddenly the food didn't taste so yummy, because my right eye had been assaulted by my loving mother. After promptly apologizing, "Kareem" laughed out loud stating he had been looking at that hair for our entire two hour journey home, anxious to brush it away himself. Who knew eyebrows could be so disconcerting?